1.Mursal and
2. Muqayyad.
Takbir mursal is a takbir who does not follow the prayer, or should not be read after performing the prayer either fardu or sunnah. Mursal takbir is bestowed at any time anywhere and under any circumstances. Which starts from the setting of the evening sun until the imam performs takbirotul ihrom ied prayer. both fitr eid and adha eid .Takbir muqayyad (having a special time, ie takbir following the prayer, read after performing prayers both fardu and sunnah). The time of recitation takbir muqayyad that is after the dawn of Arafat (9 dzulhijjah) to Ashar end of the day Tasriq -13 Dzulhijjah.
So every time after performing the prayer we have been circumcised takbir ...
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