The amount of zakawiy property of Zakat that must be issued
40 - 120 goats 1 goat (1 year old sheep or goat beans 2 years old)
121- 200 goats 2 goats (1 year old sheep or 2 year old goat)
201 - 399 goat 3 goats (1 year old sheep or goat beans 2 years old)
400 - 499 goats 4 goats (1 year old sheep or goat beans 2 years old)
500 - 599 goats 5 goats (1 year old sheep or goat beans 2 years old)
for the next, each multiples a hundred plus one goat The amount of zakawiy property of Zakat that must be issued
30 - 39 cows 1 tabi '(calves one year old)
40- 59 cows 1 musinnah (two year old calf) or 2 tabi '
60 - 69 cows 2 tabi '
70 - 79 cows 1 wicked and 1 tabi '
80 - 99 cows 2 verminnah
100 - 109 cows 1 raid and 2 tabi ' And changed every 10 cows examples: 110 cows that issued 2 vandals and 1 tabi ' The amount of zakawiy property of Zakat that must be issued
5 - 9 camels 1 goat (1 year old sheep or goat beans 2 years old)
10 -14 camel 2 goats (1 year old sheep or 2 year old bean goat)
15 -19 camel 3 goats (1 year old sheep or 2 year old bean goat)
20 - 24 camels 4 goats (1 year old lamb or 2 year old bean goat)
25 - 29 camels 1 bintu makhad 36 - 45 camels 1 bintu labun
46 - 60 camels 1 hiqqah 61 - 75 camels 1 jadza'ah
76 - 90 camels 2 bintu labun 91 - 120 camels 2 hiqqah
121 - 129 camels 3 bintu labun
130 - 139 camels 1 hiqqah and 2 bintu labun Then change every multiplied by 10 examples: 140 camels = 2 hiqqah and 1 bintu labun The name of Zakat property must be issued 5 horses 2.5%
Name of Nishob Zakat Property to be issued Percentage of Time issued / information
Gold 77.50 gr 1/40 = 1.9375 gr 2.5% After 1 year
Silver 543,35 gr 1/40 = 13,584 gr 2,5% After 1 year
Gold Mine 77.50 gr / 40 = 1.9375 gr 2.5% Instantaneous
Silver Mine 543,35 gr 1/40 = 13,584 gr 2,5% Instantaneous
Merchandise with Gold Capital 77.50 gr / 40 = 1.9375 gr 2.5% After 1 year
Merchandise with silver capital 543,35 gr 1/40 = 13,584 gr 2,5% After 1 year
Ricaz gold 77.50 gr / 5 = 15.5 gr 20% Instantaneous
Rikaz silver 543,35 gr 1/5 = 108,67 gr 20% Instantaneous
Grain 1323,132 kg
1323,132 kg 1/10 = 132,3132 kg
1/20 = 66.1566 kg 10%
5% No irrigation cost
With irrigation costs
Rice handle 1631,516 kg
1631,516 kg 1/10 = 163,1516 kg
1/20 = 81,5758 kg 10%
5% No irrigation cost
With irrigation costs
Rice 815,758 kg
815,758 kg 1/10 = 81,5758 kg
1/20 = 40,7879 kg 10%
5% No irrigation cost
With irrigation costs
Wheat 558,654 kg
558,654 kg 1/10 = 55,8654 kg
1/20 = 27,9327 kg 10%
5% No irrigation cost
With irrigation costs
Bean cow (otok) 756,697 kg
756,697 kg 1/10 = 75,6697 kg
1/20 = 37.83485 kg 10%
5% No irrigation cost
With irrigation costs
The green bean is 780,036 kg
780,036 kg 1/10 = 78,0036 kg
1/20 = 39,0018 kg 10%
5% No irrigation cost
With irrigation costs
Yellow maize 720 kg
720 kg 1/10 = 72 kg
1/20 = 36 kg 10%
5% No irrigation cost
With irrigation costs
White corn 714 kg
714 kg 1/10 = 71.4 kg
1/20 = 35.7 kg 10%
5% No irrigation cost
With irrigation costs
Spices Without Nishab 10%
honey 653 kg
1/10 = 65.3 kg
1/20 = 10%
5% Lowland honey
Mountain honey.
Information : - Nishob of gold on the list above is that the nishob is pure gold (gold with 100% content). Meanwhile, to find the nishob of gold is not pure way nishob pure gold divided by the amount of impure gold then the result multiplied by the level of pure gold. Formula: 77.50 (the nishob is pure gold): 90 (90% gold content) x 100 = 86,1111. So the nishob of gold with 90% content is: 86,1111 grams.
Zakat to be issued;
2.5% (1/40) = 2.15277 grams.
20% (1/5) = 17.2222 grams.
Zakat Fitrah Compulsory for Everyone who is still alive at the end of Ramadlan and at the beginning of Shawwal at the same time Zakat Level issued about 3 kg From the staple food of his country
Note: According to Hanafi madhhab, in the honey zakat is not required nishab. But (the wasps) should be indulged in plants that are not obliged to zakat. If the bees are indulged in plants that are obliged to zakah such as date or wine flowers, then the honey is not obligatory zakat. Summarized by: Tim Muroja'ah PPS & Lajnah Bahsul Masail PCNU Kab. Sakera Mania Tretes-Pasuruan.