What is Takbiratul Ihram ?

What is Takbiratul Ihram ?

Takbîratul ihrâmThe recitation of takbîratul ihrâm is: ألله أكبر
"Alllaahu Akbar"
In pronouncing the takbir, the person who prays must read it correctly and correctly.
As takbir sunnat raised both hands. For men by:
1) the position of the hand is above the shoulder;
2) thumb straight with the lower earlobe;
3) the fingers are slightly stretched;
4) the end of the radius is straightened with the upper ear leaf and leaning towards the Qibla.

For women the practice of raising their hands is similar to that of men, and there are scholars who declare (qîl) his hands raised not too high about the tip of the fingers straight with the shoulders

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