The prayer criteria called tuma'ninah is about the limbs calm and silent between two movements the size of the reading SUBHAANALLAH. - As-Sabhah Ats-Tsamiinah Nadham Safiinah I / 11:
الأركان التي تلزم فيها الطمأنينة ثم الطمأنينة فرض في محال ... أربعة وهي ركوع واعتدال ثم السجود وجلوس السجدتين ... وحدها السكون بين حركتين بحيث تستقر فيها أعضاه ... محلها بقدر سبحان الله
[THIRD-BIRTHDAY IN THUMA'NINAH] Thuma'ninah is obliged on four places: On Ruku ', I'tidal, prostrations and sitting between two prostrations. Limitation is said Thuma'ninah is silent between two movements (the first rukun movement and subsequent rendition movement separated silently) as much as his limbs have placed in place the size of reading SUBHAANALLAH. Wallohu a'lam.